
My writings are my fortune, as it always keeps me aware of the old lessons...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Every Single One is You

Every single night, I put down my head
I wish I'd dream of you
Every single time, the moon comes over
I look at it to see you

Every single Day the sun lightens the universe
I wish it witnesses me with you
Every single Smile, I show it or hide
I wish it's because of you

Every single photo carries a promise
It renews my promise to you
And every single sentence has that word within
You know... My heart makes sure that I Love You

Because baby…

Every single cheer, every single smile,
Every single view that's once in a while,
Every single day, every single night,
Every single moment, I wish you are there having me tight

Every single quote we've shared
And every single photo we've loved
Every single place, we promised to visit
Every single scene we've watched and laughed
Is waiting to witness our gatherings
Witness our love decorated with two rings
Waiting to see that brightness
Skipping our eyes in between the blinks
Because every single thing knows
That , to my heart, Every Single one is You

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Paradise River ♥

and When he told her.. "You are my love life"

and when he whispered.. "May you be my faithful wife?"

and when he says the words..

like he says everything she needs to hear
like he brightens a dark old fear
like a queen he always treats
like she listens to his heartbeats

And It's like.. like a love life
knocking the door

And It's like.. they will strive
to make it pure

in a world has broken all the noble meanings down the floor

And It's like.. they'll make it

And It's like.. they'll live it

and It's like..
A mutual present has been sent from up high, seeking to gather
Two beloved souls, who seek one day a meet at A Paradise river 

Friday, June 22, 2012

My Fairytale ♥


Yes You!

You are the dream I've been so long dreaming for
Believing it's all made out of my own imaginary thoughts
Where I drew my own utopia and I still draw more
bunches of happiness fills its air and lightens its roads

and You

Yes You!

You brought me back to my own dreamy world
and here I am brushing some new sun-shiny boats
sailing in the wide bright space with a crown of flowers curled
and all what matters, felt and seen are only Noble Love quotes

and yeah..

One Day

One Day I'll take you to my own world there
where the green hills and the fragrant flowers
where me and you will live it all and dare
and make it just delightful and full of colours

One day.. :)

You'll be only mine and I'll be all yours
we will live our own lives, like no one knows
having around our cute daughters and sons
remembering how did it all start surprisingly once

and we never get bored of the talks we recall with so much amuse
because then, and only then, we'll be enjoying our own life cruise ♥

Saturday, May 5, 2012

اللي بيننا كبير ‎:)‏

لو صحيت مخضوض في نص الليل .. لو لقيت مني رسالة .. اعرف إني صحيت قلقانة .. اعرف إني خايفة عليك .. و ان اللي بيننا كبير .. اللي بيننا آمانة

وقت ما كان حلمي بسيط .. شايلاه و ماشية بيه جنب الحيط .. وقت ما شوفتك بتمد لي إيديك .. آمنت بيا و آمنت بيك .. و من وقتها صدقت .. إن اللي بيننا كبير ..

رحلات و موج و رياح و حلم رافع راسه نِفسه يطير .. و ناس تعدي شوية تهدي و تحملنا حِمل يفيض الكيل ..

 نشبك إدينا و نعدي بيه و نرجع نحلم تاني ونطير طير .. و تعدي أيام و سنين و نلاقي .. إن اللي بيننا كبير..

اللي بيننا أكبر من أي قوالة .. أو كلمة في رسالة .. مهما طالت في يوم مسيرها تروح .. و اللي بيننا أبدا و الله ما يروح..

اللي بيننا جوه القلوب محفور .. شاهدة عليه أماكنّا و أيام بينا تدور .. أيام تعدي و أيام كمان بقت شهر و شهور..

بنيننا فيها .. زرعنا فيها ياما ريحان و عطور .. و مسك يشهد عليه اللي عدّى .. بني إنسان و طيور ..

 و مهما غيبنا عن أرضنا عمرها ما تبور .. دي ضيها لو حُر ..  يخفي أي بدور .. 

و الدنيا بينا تدور .. 

و نرجع نلاقينا هنا .. كلنا كدة مع بعضنا .. نِحِن لزماننا و فرشنا .. و عهد أخدنا كلنا ..

إن مهما غيبنا عنها مسيرنا في يوم نرجع ليها و ترجع لنا .. نبني و نزرع عشق اتسلب من حقنا .. 

 أصل اللي بيننا كبير ..

 و اللي زرعناه كتير .. و اللي حصدناه في قلب الغربة عزفناه مواويل .. 

أيوة اللي بيننا كبير ..

شاهد عليه رب الكون .. يجري في سماه الطير 

سبحان من بإيده جمعنا .. و بإيده يتم لنا الخير :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

فقط تساؤل ..

ليه الحب بيبقى جرم لما نحب الناس الغلط..؟
 و ليه هم أصلا غلط..؟
 و ليه بنفضل نحبهم و احنا عارفين انه غلط..؟
و مين اللي يقول انه غلط؟!
و في ايه غِلِط؟ و في مين غِلِط؟ 
ده الحب حب .. و الغلط غلط!

Monday, March 19, 2012

نعم, أتذكَّر

أتذكر الأمانة .. أتذكر الدعاء 

فما باليد حيلة .. سراء أم ضراء

إليه وحده الوسيلة .. و إليه كل الرجاء
فضيق الظلم ساعة .. و ضيق الذنب داء
فاتبع السيئة الحسنة .. و استكثر في الدعاء
فإنك لا تملك الهداية .. و لكن الله يهدي من يشاء

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ألم تحط علماً؟

أراك بعيني و يذرف قلبي ألماً
ألا تعرف؟ فأنا بشر مهما ملئ الإيمان قلباً
مهما طال الفرق أمداً
يعلمُ ما في نفسي, و أحسبهُ أملاً
يعلم ما في نفسي, فيشرحُ صدراً و يُيسرُ أمرا ً
و تبقى الحقائق تسلب وُداً, تهجوا عشقا
و تبطل عقداً, وُجد يوماً

Thursday, March 1, 2012


It's not always about venting out
It's not about how you say it
It's not even about things you doubt
It's about wounds, quite inside you, fit

And you can't explain

'Cause simply it's unspoken
Breaks got sounds, but You're not broken
not broken

and You have no answer to say
if they saw your tears and asked "why?"
and You have nothing in hands but to pray
if the tears ran out, left you pain with each sigh

And you can't explain

'Cause simply it's unspoken
Breaks got sounds, but You're not broken
not broken

Your faithfulness left you wounds
killing pains with no sounds
Ups and Downs, all are grounds
abandoned meanings and shallow nouns

And you can't explain ... 'Cause simply, it's unspoken!

Magical Blinks

I'll leave my worries all behind
My back
I'll keep the hope side by side
To my track
I'll follow my natural tendency
Where it goes
I'll keep the love, ask for mercy
Along my cruise

Surrounding factors change things
Change you ... change me
Comes Today, and Tomorrow it winks
Leaves some worries with hidden glee

I'll search for the glee
And I'll catch the glee
'cause I won't let worries stand again
 Between you and me

I won't let obstacles get set free
Not again... 
Not after I became to see...
With real magical purity

It all happened at once!

I was gifted a magical bottle of ink
It seems to be everywhere
But people almost pour it or drink!
I took mine and drew a new fairytale 

I painted a new road with my wand,
I found back some magical blinks
And since then things turned bland
Thanks to the magic, I finally had my link :)

I wonder how I couldn't see that bottle before.
I wonder because It's free and next each's door
I wonder, as its powers cross any distance
I wonder, as its only activator is patience

I wonder as it gave me faith,
Stronger than all
Show me how things work in my night dreams,
Yeah, I became to have my call!

So let them play and have fun,
Let them get confused and think
As long as magic works I'll run
Smile & Shine and all worries will pass, in an Eye blink ;)

Friday, February 3, 2012


و في عز الأزمات يا بلادي, هفضل أهتف أعلى و أنادي...

هرفع راسي فوق, ده أنا مصري
غضبي يشق بحار يبني جسري

أوصل بيه للمجد, أحفر إسمك
أقف ضد الخاين و أكون نسرك

عجبي على اللي راح و هجر أرضك
و قال دي خربت و نسي صلابتك

صلابة شعب اتخلط من كل جنس و عرق
اتطبع بعشقك
و اتمصّر دمه اللي اتدفع
يحمي عرضك