
My writings are my fortune, as it always keeps me aware of the old lessons...

Friday, December 30, 2011


I still have hope
the sun shines again, 
the weather goes clear :)

I still have hope
your eyes reconsider,
discover how it's deep & sincere :)

I still have hope,
that sometimes I lose it,
when your anger steals

I still have hope,
Turned to a magical dream,
Only dreamers know how it feels :)

I still have hope,
No one can erase it,
It's deep in the heart safe :)

I still have hope,
Your anger is its beast,
When it comes out of the cave

I still have hope,
Stolen and returned,
Because at last it is mine :)

I still have hope,
It will always revive,
till the smiles, again on the faces, shine :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

بيان مصري حر

إذا الشعب يوما أراد الحياة فلا بد أن يستجيب القدر
 شهدت و كفى الشهيد شهادة بدمٍ
على طغيان لم يطغى منذ عهدٍ أقدمٍ

أقام الحدود بلا حدود على الرضيع و المسن
انهك حرمة لم يَحرِمها أي ضعفٍ أبدا أو وهن

أثار الغرائز, غلى العروق, وحد الصف رغم الفروق

أتروا منا تحية أم غباء أم خضوع؟ 
أتروا خوف بعد ذلٍ و خشوع؟ 

أتروا ملك و جاه و سلطان على شعب أبِيّ ؟
أم تروا حتى يفشى الوشاة و يحكم الرعاع و تبور الأرض و يشيب الصبي؟ 

ألا سمعتم بشعب مصر؟ 
ألا عييتم لم سميت بـ"قاهرة" المعز؟ 
 ألا قرأتم التاريخ من بين دم الشهداء؟
ألا حفظتم عن ظهر قلب أن ليس للمصري سواء؟

و ليس المصري كل من عبر على الأرض أو تجنس
إنما المصري هو من حرر, كافح, سعى و أسس
إنما هو ذاك الرجل العاشق للحرية المغوار على اليأس
 إنما هي السيدة التي ربت  أجيال على أن الحياة في كرامة حق لن يطمس

كفانا الرضى بأقل الإيمان
ناشدنا الحق أبينا الهوان
شهدنا الحيوانية في بني الإنسان
فراقت الدماء و سقت الأوطان

ألا لكل دين ديان؟
ألا للروح ثمن قد فان؟

فلتعوا كلماتي في هذا البيان 
فبكلمة ثرنا و بكلمة سنقلع جذور الطغيان

Friday, December 16, 2011

كارت اتحرق

نزلت أشكي أحكي أتكلم
و في السكة قلت أعدّي و أسلم
قلت كبيري هسكت هبَلِّم! 
أصل الواحد ما باقاش فيه حيل يتألم

دخلت دخلة, ضحكت ضحكة, و قلبي حالف ما يفتح له سكة
يا وشي اضحك, يا بقى سلم, شمال يمين بدأ يتكلم
و عدّيت, و لسة قلبي مقبوض
و هدّيت, يا ما في الطريق سدود

لحد ما شفت اللي ما شفته في سنة
من غير كلام سمعته أنا
حسيته هنا
و بكى قلبي من القسى
بكاني على حلم اتنسى
:و لقيتني بطلع ورقة و بكتب

كارت اتحرق, حلم اتسرق, و الإسم بيه على الورق"
كدبوا عليّ, لفّولي هدية, فتحتها, لقيتني الضحية
في لعبة سخيفة, غمّوا عينية, قالوا لي افتحها بعد شوية 
عدّت دقيقة ورا دقيقة, لكن محدش نده عليا
فتحت عيني, لقيتني وحدي وسط الناس متغمية
"بصيت أدور, لقيت الحقيقة قاعدة بعيد مستخبية

حرب سنة وراها سنة بدفع تمنها وحدي هنا
يا ناس يا عالم يا هو ده أنا
جاي و بايع الدُنى, و رامي ورا ضهري الألسنة, شاري المرارة بالهنا
يا ناس إتــــقـــــوا ربــــنــــا
ده أنا بازرع معاكوا هنا, تاكلوا التمر و آكل الحصى

ابني الصغير, بقى في يوم أمير, سبته آمانه من بعدي هنا
جِه الوزير, سرق الأمير, حطه أسير, و قال لأ ده تاجي أنا
سنة ورا سنة, كِبِر الأمير و هو أسير
نِسي الأمير إنه أمير
سنة ورا سنة, طغى الوزير حل الحرير
نِسِي الوزير إنه وزير
و معاهم حلمي إتنسى

ظلمني اللي جابني هنا ... ظلمني و باعني و قسى
حلمي مات ... حلمي اتنسى
!حلمي بقى "ذكرى" كويسة

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Simply Proudly "Me"

I'm a Queen of My own Kingdom.
Don't You Know me?!

I'm the Lady of the Palace.
Brush your Eyes, Can't you see?!

I'm a young Princess
when the trees turn green
I'm the owner of my liberty
I'm the painter of my scene

I'm the Lady of the Palace
Where "Nobility" is found
Where "Honesty" is a Pearl
and "Morality" is the Ground

I'm the virtue honoured Queen
Ruling Proudly my own Kingdom
My distinct glory is clearly seen
through my dignity, justice and wisdom

I'm a simple country girl
Faithful, brave and hard worker
blossoms like flowers, tweets like birds
Night stars and Full Moon make me wonder

I'm that red bright apple high the tree
I'm the one who my smile brings the glee

I'm the one who bought paradise with all lives
I'm the butterfly that after vanishing always revives

Now, did you know who is me?
Now, are you able to reconsider and see?

That this is proudly who I am
And Yes, this is proudly how i want to be -----> Just Me.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

بكاء أبكاني

بكاء أختي أبكاني,
جبروت الظالم قساني,
صوت الهتاف أصبح آذاني,
و التحرير هو مكاني

 حسبي ربي و كفاني
لي ناصرا و عليّ حاني
مع أهلي و إخواني
نصد كل عدوانِ

إلى الميدان إلى الميدان

مكان البطل الشهيد
مكان الثائر العنيد
سنشمر لكم أيادي من حديد
و بأعينكم ستشهدون الوعيد

قتلتم, نهبتم, سرقتم و أصبتم
قالوا حمقى, قلنا و من أنتم؟
شباب اليوم غدا سيحكم
الأمس كان لكم و غدا عليكم

حسبي ربي هو النصير
أعميتم منا من كان بصير
أنهكتم حرمتنا بدون تقصير!
و ها نحن اليوم نغير المصير

سنأكل النوى و نجلس على الحصير
و لا أبدا نذل من مخلوق, لن يصير
جنة الخلد مبتغانا, و عمر الدنيا قصير
فوالله لن نكل حتى نرد كل طلقة, على الظلم, أعاصير

 Written On: Wednesday, 23 November 2011 at 02:20

ليلة الجمعة 18 نوفمبر .. مستثارة في هدوء!

حكم العسكر زي السكر المحروق!
حكم العسكر قام و اتنكر و شَكِّل طوق.
حكم العسكر قال للمصري إوعى تفوق.
حكمنا مدني لا للعسكر, نعم لرد الحقوق


لو مصري و نازل تتظاهر, اتظاهر بس بأدب, بزوق!
حاوطوا ميدانا, حافظوا عليه, لا التحرير يصبح سوق
و لو مصري ضد التظاهر, إوعاك تتكلم في بوق
اتكلم, سَمَّع و اسمع, و افهم كويس الفروق

لا المتظاهر جي بيشحت و لا حضرتك كونت أو دوق
ده الكل ياما شاف المر, و الحق على الكل مسروق
و زي ما للثورة ضي, للحرية برده شروق
وحد صفك, إنت و هو, و أنا و هي, نعلى لفوق

دي الحرية غالية و الله, و بلادي بتنادي بشوق
مع أو ضد, أمر طبيعي, ده احنا اتخلقنا عروق
مهما اختلافنا لازم ننهيها بصوت نزيه في الصندوق
صوتك أمانة تُسأل عليها ..  اياك تبطله أو تُسكته .. كون لبلادك مصدر ضوء

 Written on: Friday, 18 November 2011 at 02:46

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Day to Remember

It's the Middle of November,
When the air breeze turns to Winter,
The streets are empty, the sky is brighter,
It's 10 o'clock in the morning, get ready, we turned on the happiness counter

It's meant to be a day to remember 

Couple of days ago, some preparations were made so fast
For a day that is meant to leave a blast
And here it comes Today, the day of The Team of Trust
To blow out the surprise, create some great moments, happiness & love that will forever last.

Everyone's at college, work and some were asleep,
But in deep, everyone has his own hours counter, who can skip?!

You can find "Her" packing her bag in a hurry,
Going down the streets, putting on her car engine, and just directing to get her share with some worry.
"There's still an hour from the Zero Hour, Calm down. Don't hit that Lorry!" 

And you can find another "Her", directing quickly to the chosen store.
Getting that special rectangular-shaped thing, where each signature will find its core.
She wondered how it would look like when it's done?! She couldn't wait any more!

And there was another "Her" than "Her" and "Her"
Cutting the distance in the 5-minute break, passing people in a wave, running in the open air
She doubt if she'd make it, her breathes become faster and here is she getting her share.
Skipping the crowds, turning back before anyone realizes she wasn't there.

The Three "Her"s have brought their stuff,
And now you can imagine the 3 scenes like an ad.
Making it in time was really tough, 
But it was the only choice they had.

It's 11 A.M., the second "Her" met the crowd at the green yard, 
The words came to be spelled on the blue pages, after confusion from where to start
Holding some lasting words, bringing tears to the missing eyes and sending true love directly to the heart

The first "Her" reached the yard too
She brought the tools and the big blue box everyone was waiting for, she quickly hid it though! 
The crowd started to get closer and closer, it was just minutes far to have it coming true.

And here is the third "Her" with some seconds late,
She joined what she has brought with the others', everything seemed just great
People were so excited, waiting to take a part
The Day's most joyful moments were about to start 

It was the Zero Hour, when he once stepped in
The Day's Big Man was there. The crowd began to sing...

"Happy Birthday to You"
"Happy Birthday to You"
"Happy Birthday to (A)"
"Happy Birthday to You"

The Surprise was out...
Happiness became no more a doubt

You can see then a full picture
Loud happy voices, smiles everywhere
After a 1 year biggest adventure
It was a big gather, almost everyone was there.

"Cakes, Cakes", somebody was shouting
"Who wants cakes?" another one was answering
"Congratulations" "Happy Birthday"
Kind words were said … Pictures were taken for moments of joy

It was meant to be a Day
A Day to remember each Day :)

The Sprays were out
With "He" and "She"
And suddenly...!
They wrote on his back a big "AC"

"Hurry Hurry up, take some photos before it's gone" 
Somebody said
But it'd never go, as we're all here, having smiles to draw
Some things in life you can never regret :)

Big Big Family, We luckily have
Stronger than Blood, Keener than Wave
On Allah's goodness, we were gathered
And By him and his blessings, we achieved.. 

The Wind of Change :) 

And finally we've made it    ...   A Day to Remember  ;)

Written on Wednesday, the 16th of November, 2011 :)
(The mentioned day, is Tuesday, the 15th of November, 2011)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Oldies: .....Critical Times....

away in the darkness
where everybody is asleep
we sit alone
down the stars
thinking about our lives
recalling the memories..

faster memories we usually have
will depend on what we feel now

if u're ok usually you'll remember ur best friends
best holidays....funniest situations
or u may remember ur lover
the best moments u shared
the first time u met
ur first look into his/her eyes

u'll sit there and remember....
maybe ur childhood
u can see urself standing there
little child, soft skin, pure mind, innocent moments
nothing can disturb u
looking for sweety future....
or may ignoring it
just playing and having fun.....

but if u're not okay
everything will seem BLACK...BLACK...BLACK
u'll remember ur friends' drawbacks
you'll say:...oh they r'nt true friends
oh i hate them could they be like this! alone...nobody's here...nobody's near

no one deserves!...what false masks!

yeah u'll say this cause u're nurvous
u'll feel as if u're standing in the darkness
walking through heavy fog
can't see ur way
can't trust anyone

u'll cry and cry
deeply inside u
some of us will give up
others will try to survive
but away from their real world
others will destroy their lives
and just decide to take revenge from others!!
but if u need my advice
i'll tell u


just leave ur place but don't run away
close ur eyes but don't sleep
pretend to forgive....just pretend...and let it pass away
try to forget but don't erase ur mind
Know new friends but don't leave old ones
smile to your life but don't trust it
ignore who made u get through this ... BUT DON'T EVER FORGET THEM!

Saturday, 04 July 2009 at 21:28

A falling star -- (A dual work poem)

A falling star…Away so far
with no one to try
to raise it back so high
To the darkness, it'll leave the sky

Unknown fate maybe soon end
when the star had lost that friend
everything became wild, in need for a mend
and falling till it fades was its trend

Till a sparkle has once appeared
seems like no need to wait
for a sky that looks so great
my friend is back…my dreamy fate…my perfect mate

A falling star is no falling anymore
to where stars belong we'll go
hand in hand, holding one heart
and we'll never go with the flow

Because no place can have such a glow
like a place having both me and you

Look how the sky smiles to us
look how the birds sing too
and how all other stars shine for you
creating a rainbow coloring the view

With all the colors of a beautiful life
Like a professional painter we paint it
Drawing the story of a falling star, that found a moon to rest beside
Side by side along the journey, just right, we're going to make it.

Written By: Salma F. El Khamy & Salma Hossam E. 
Written On: Friday, the 23rd of September, 2011 at 8:00 pm.

P.S. This Poem is written in the form of improvised tweets on twitter