
My writings are my fortune, as it always keeps me aware of the old lessons...

Friday, January 21, 2011

إن لم تستطع أن ترسم بسمة على شفاهي فلا تبكيني

إن لم تستطع أن ترسم بسمة على شفاهي فلا تبكيني
فإن بسمتي حياتي أحيا بها في شجني
أمحو بها  قطر دمعي ,
 ارسمها لمن في غربتي يواسيني
فاما أن تقترب تحنو علي, تشاركني, و تكن لي في طريق الحياة رفيقا يسليني
و حارسا اذا انحزت عن طريق الجنة يهديني
و أبا في حنانه أمكث ساعات كأني طفلة تروي قصصا و تمرح في تهليلِ
و أخا اليه أشكو و معه ألهو و له أدعو ربي يكن له حارسا و معينِ
تستر عيبي, تصوب لي إن أخطأت برفق لا بتنفيرِ
و تكن في أزماتي صديقا يقويني
يساندني, و يحميني من كل خطر يعاديني
و اما أن ترحل بعيدا و كأن لم ترك عيني
فان وجودك هاهنا لا يساندني من قريب و لا بعيدِ
إن وجودك ظاهري , كلوح زمهرير براق لناظريه و حارق لحامليه
وجودك في مكانك هذا لا نفع له و لكن ضرره يلحق بكل نبضة تقاوم لكي صامدة تبقيني

Friday, January 14, 2011

عذرا كلماتي

من بين قلق و خوف
من بين شجن و حزن
أكتب لكم هذه الكلمات
إن تجربتي في الكتابة بهذه اللغة بسيطة
وأحزاني برقتها عندي عميقة
ولكن اسمحوا لي هذه المرة
أن أكتب بها فإنها لغة حرة
أشعر بكلماتها تخترق جسدي و تملأني شجن
كلما ملأت بيدي من كلماتها غرفة

إنها لغة الضاض و لغة الكلمات والمعاني
لغة أهلي و صحبتي و كل ما يتفوه به لساني
فلا تستكثروا علي صحبتها و لو لمرة
وتجاوزوا عن أخطائي فإنني مبتدئة

أكتب لكم هذه الكلمات و أسفة لذلك
لأنها ليست بالسليمة الضاحكة
و لا هي بالهادئة الباسمة
و لا هي بالمفعمة بالنشاط و الحيوية
إنها كلمات باكية
حروفها أحرقتها الألسن المؤذية
ومعانيها أتية من بين دموع غاضبة
دموع استطاعت أن تخرج بالكاد
في لحظة ذهول
من هول المفاجئة
إنها حتى عاجزة أن تصف ما تشعر به
عاجزة و قد أهلكتها النفوس المريضة
و استطاعت أن تنال من بسمتها
من براءتها
من كل ما هو أبيض نقي و طاهر
فقد تلونت الألسن
و تعكرت المشاعر الصافية
وتبعثرت الأحاسيس
و تبدلت بكل ما هو خسيس
إن كلماتي أرادت أن تقدم اعتذارها لكل من ساندها يوما
و كل من أضاف لبسمتها بسمة
و وقف يمدها بقوته وتشجيعه
أرادت أن تعتذر حيث أن لكل بداية نهاية
و لكل كلمة اّن لتتوقف
لم تكن لتريد أن تنتهي هنا هكذا
و لكنها انتهت
انتهت مع بداية عهد جديد
عهد الصمت
الصمت الذي قال فيه الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله

قالوا : سكت و قد خوصمت،
قلت لهم: ***** ان الجواب لباب الشر مفتاح
الصمت عن جاهل أو أحمق شرف ***** و
فيه ايضا لصون العرض اصلاح
اما ترى الاسد و هي صامتة ؟! ***** والكلب يخسى لعمري
و هو نباح

إن الصمت ليس سكون
و ما أكثر أن أدهشني رؤى البراكين أسفل الخضر
و أسفل المحيطات و اختلاطها بالماء
نعم, فلكل داء دواء
ستظل كلماتي صامتة, ظاهرها سكون
و باطنها لن يعلمه الا رب الكون
و تفضلوا بقبول اعتذارها
حيث لن يكون بمقدورها
الخروج من مكمنها و اسعاد قرائها
كما تعودت أن تفعل

The 10th of January, 2011

نفسي تهذبني

حوار داخلي

أنا > S
 و نفسي > M
M: feeling lost?
S: we eh ya3ny!

M: feeling down?
S: bardo eh ya3ny!

M: feeling not able to face the world?
S: bete7sal..

M: feeling lonely?
S: we eh el gdeed?!

M: Away from my soul mates?
S: hmm...matfakkarineesh ba2a...

M: feeling as if my heart is breaking?
S: es2al megarrab wana 5air men garrab!
M: began to hate everyone?
S: ma aktharoh e7sas?

M: feeling the shit in people's souls?
S: ohhhh..I'm experienced!

M: losing my dreams?
S: sometimes..bardo mafeesh gdeed

M: losing hope?
S: deeply in yes..

M: feeling that things are impossible to happen?

M: No ... it's just an expression ..."impossible is nothing"... what a shit?
S: NO it's Not a Shit! It's the only truthbelieve in!

M: so If you Really Believe in it...
Why you can't stand up and catch your dreams?

Why you still having a broken heart and tears on?
Why you can't leave what you're doing Now and start doing something useful?

Something can add to you not lessen from you
Something leads you to your DREAM not holds your back
something like this ............

S: Hey! ro7ty fain??

M: I went to continue my studying...

Even i can see how meaningless things we take but even though we can bring things really useful out of it!
and any way...
We have to go through this way

YES, we have to go through this way to prevent the upcoming generations from going through the same way,
By studying the wrong and teaching the right
Because you'd never recognize the right as long as you can't see the wrong!

And taste it..

Today, Learn and study what the books says

Tomorrow, Teach what you believe in


 BE the ONE who'd lead the Change

S: bas :S dah taree2 taweel..meshwar sa5eef..we mafeesh 7aga malmoosa shayfaha..mafeesh natiga sari3a..walla ta2theer 2orayyeb...ana te3bet men delwa2ty! men mogarrad ta5ayoli lelli ha a3melo! 3ashan awsal!


M: Who says it would be Easy?
Who says life would be Easy?
Who says the Road would be safe?
Who says reaching Al-Ferdaws would be Easy?

It's Not Easy...
It's not about taking the easiest road
It's about Who will go on? ... Who will insist on going on?

Who will survive?


Who will REVIVE?

M: 2oomy ba2a yasater! dah enty mot3eba
S: 5alas 5alas....2ayma ahooo.......

Special  Thanks To: May El-Dardiry for Inspiring me =)

As I'd like to Thank each of: Abdel Rahman YehiaSalma El-Khamy Nesma Abd El-Hady =)

The 12th of January, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Shock!

They see me like a naive
who went to his cave..
and kocked the door

why u just can't remove what is put on your eyes
and see the truth before creating a humbug from nothing..before it rises?

why the people i felt I'm home with...hit my back?
don't tell me it's a misunderstanding, don't tell me it's a knowledge lack!

I can't really understand what's happening!
over there
why i once found all those people surrounding
analyzing and capturing me everywhere!

PEOPLE You shocked me
and Yes, You annoyed me!

I hate the talks and the bla bla bla
I hate You sick-minded people!

I can't figure exactly what happened!
but it was all shit!
it was like the production of a rabbit!
just meanless spread, easy & rapid!

i know a girl who once said:

Please make sure of the information before forwarding it!
and make Sure You Include the "Source" and "Sending Date"!

I wish you do it as many did
do it before buring souls at the end
do it and fear God
fear to wrong the innocent
fear to eat their blood
and make sure before clicking "Send"

قال الله سبحانه : {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا وَلَا يَغْتَب بَّعْضُكُم بَعْضًا أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَن يَأْكُلَ لَحْمَ أَخِيهِ مَيْتًا فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ تَوَّابٌ رَّحِيمٌ}.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Noble Love

Listening  to the track
hearing a voice calling me back
imagining a non bordered dance hall
with pink flowers randomly fall
with a couple of birds dancing slow
their spirits go ,with the music, high and low

It's when "In Love" plays
It's when "In Love" plays

The sky is blue with sparkles through
The ground is the dance floor
where passion is the only core
It's a far land .. It's another world
Oh My Lord!

It's when "In Love" plays
It's when "In Love" plays

I can feel the movements
The harmony in their dance
I can touch their souls
and see their eye glance

It's When "In Love" plays
It's When "In Love" plays...

When the music makes you fly
When the heart goes up high
It's when "In Love" plays
It's when the tone says
"Noble Love lives too far
Noble Love isn't a tone on the Guitar
Noble Love..Oh.. Noble Love
The Purity that persists The Tough"

It's when "In Love" plays
It's when "In Love" plays

I live in my picture
play with my colours
Yeah it's my imaginary that adds the flowers
and it's my brush that makes the words sway
fills the air with clarity..and paints a romantic bay

It's when "In Love" plays
It's when "In Love" plays

When Love is beneath worry
and you can't feel sorry
because your love is your peace
Your Love is your "Soul Breeze"

It's when "In Love" plays
It's when "In Love" says
"It's Noble Love.."
Special Thanks To "Ashraf Magid" and his Track "In Love" that inspired me to write this poem

A life station

When i miss your fighting in the dawn
I feel like i am completely alone
I think how i'd be angry if it done
I think how u'd turn it up to fun

I miss looking deep in ur eyes
I miss snatching a look towards the guys...looking for you
I miss that involuntary smile drawn on my face
when u look at me ..when u're worry
when u feel some guilty and say sorry
when i feel like u're the student and I'm the teacher
just then i feel how much u're an innocent lovely creature

being weird isn't always bad
but sometimes it drives me mad
any way i have to admit..yeah i love that :D

sometimes i think why it isn't you?
and i return and say
even fate let me meet you
it'd let me meet another and so
yeah yeah...easy come easy go!

Am I Playing? is it a Play?
I don't know..but I'll leave one day
and you're gonna be alone....and you'll have to stay


The phone was ringing loudly
yeah it's the name ..the name that let my heart goes rapidly
i didn't know how it's going to be
i answered quietly, said hi and waited to see

he answered as he always used to be
with a friendly voice carrying a great pain deeply
my happiness was mixed up with an upset feel
the light of a friend was up but couldn't change the past or heal

I didn't know what to say or do
i found alot of contradict feelings that myself went through
i felt lost..
lost between the past, the present and the future
whatever it used to cost
u can never put in your department perishable furniture

i went lost more and more..
deeply than ever before

till something unexpectedly had happened
when we knew about each worry
we got shocked and shattered..
because we both felt guilty and sorry!

i must have known that before
as our lives go on
we would have the same way in thinking
choose the same side
and walk on the same shore!

What a life! What a destiny!
as u can't guess the future u can't change ur history!

I can't believe it!

I can't believe it
Everything is gone
Everything is dead
You were the one
You won't get it I bet

I can't believe it
we broke up a relation
we needed to Believe
Was it just a station?
where our lives went through?!

I can't believe it
Everything was pretty good
Everything was Pure and clear
Once everything turned off ! OMG!
Once you became no more near

I can't believe it
I never cared really
I thought u're just one
It seems to be silly
To care when u're gone

I can't believe it
I'm hearing my loud heart beats
I'm listening to my soul whispers
He's saying : don't try to treat!
She's saying: come on, close the distance

I can't believe it
Once more u came and did it
u filled the spaces inbetween
u just gave what fits
and turned on the screen

I can't believe it
u have an awsome effect on me
u're the one i say " yes" to
with rare people i can be free
and u're one of those and so...


Don't break Your Mind's Rules or bear it

ohhh... what a painful feeling this is
when everything becomes a mess
when the life turns up to down
when "Love" is just a noun

ohhh...i still can't believe what am going through
it's completely different....yeah it's "new"
but not that "new" that has a positive sound on the ears
it's of that kind which fills ur heart with burning tears

ohhh...What a mess indeed?!
when u become fully in-need
like a baby needs his mother's warm hug
like the words need to be sung

ohhh...I can't even speak
I hate to be so weak
I don't know even what i supposed to do
Why did u put me in this?! or I'm the one who put myself through

For God's Sake .....Leave me alone
go away and don't let me c u, block me...or even ignore

You don't know what u did..... really u don't know
You broke the only clear thing in my heart
like puting a big cross on one's best piece of art

Could u tell me Now....
What mistake did i make ?
If i made any shit or fake?
If i -one day- passed my red line?
Did i cause a harm to u either when am nervous or fine?
If i wasn't that caring one?
or maybe it's the reason..and i should have said "the conv. is done" !

Did u think for a while what's going to happen after that?
Don't you mind to lose me? and drive me mad?

Do u want to know how good i know you?!

You'll say "Oh no, but you make matters worse, it's more simple than u took it"!
I'll tell you "Don't want to hear any more....just pick off ur stuff and that' all"

My rules were clear "Not to trust any one...Not to say I love"
I don't know why i did break the rules indeed
Maybe to learn not to make any more fault deeds!!

....and we're back again.....

It's time of meeting, as usuall, she begins with "hi"
they talk till midnight, that's when she stared at the sky

Oh! What lovely nights they spent them together!
talking, laughing, crying, doesnt matter whatever

Yeah, she liked the time, she liked it cause they were close
his soul touched hers, imagine it ... What a beautiful pose!

That's when, they cut a long distance, just alone
without any disturbance, like a free flying tone

When she looked in his eyes, she felt great fear
that tomorrow and after may pick him out of here

And now when she's playing the flash-back for the hundred time
she knows, she can't stay without him ... Yeah! She got her life rhythme

My sweety rain, falling, where everybody is sleeping, in the dawn
My daffodil, suffering, from standing in the desert alone

I'm back here again, I won't leave you anymore
I'll take you away, from this weird shore
to the middle of the bay, where sadness cant find a floor

Monday, 04 May 2009 at 16:16

My second half

A year ago...

Today and just today, I found, what I was searching for
It was amazing feel, with mixture of surprise, which i can't ignore

It seemed to be impossible
to find somebody like me

I was sure that
nobody has my key

but today i believe
that" impossible" has to go

i felt great relief
when i really, knew you


but i was always thinking why this poem stopped suddenly
now i can find the answer>> that our relation ended rapidly

I couldn't stand when you passed beside me
like everybody else, don't you see?!

I couldn't see your eyes
telling me good-bye

and your tongue
lying on me with humbug

I really still want you
and need you beside me

but what can i say
and the cause is me!

like everything else had gone this year
you left my life quietly , and made your own veer

finally i wanna say
something my dear

>>nobody knows how much i liked you
and nobody knows how much i'm gonna miss you

my second part
my piece of tart

you were the one who reached my heart
and you'll be > the missin part

so good-bye
wish you a new life
and for me a new start

Friends Conciliation

She called me suddenly
wanna meet me rapidly!

I asked why but she didn't answer
I asked again but she became tenser

The next day there was a buzz
we were there but not all of us

She began to talk
and we were listening

she discussed the matters
with warm smiling

she cleaned the air
like a sun was shining

I took my hat off to her
it wasn't easy step to bear

Now everything is black and white
really we missed that light

Now and just ..I became satisfied
I felt their love, believed in the truth and they reached my heart

The old love I got it back
my old friends became once more my back

I didn't expect that....really i do
I didn't expect have someone like you!

Love, warm, friendship and keen
I have them all with my team ;)

I have to apologize and admit
I love you my friends and that's it!