
My writings are my fortune, as it always keeps me aware of the old lessons...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Life Cruse .. Odds & Ends

Silent Cruse, 
Silent Cruse, 
Full Paid ticket,
Get near, Stay close

Fussy Cruse,
Fussy Cruse,
come and stalk,
All play no pause

Two cruses everyone got;
Two enemies were put in a pot
All the trends, are odds and ends
Behave and Balance, or Bear the scot

Saturday, June 15, 2013


When your soul can't fit in there
and the mind became so stressed

Remember, you were born to dare
obviously, you are differently blessed

Diamonds are odd, as they are rare
All jewels are jealous, feeling oppressed

At how fine is the diamond, they all stare

forgetting the fact, it was pressed

Some were born to be wives
others were born to be Queens :)

It's not a matter of styles of lives 
It's not a matter of oldies or teens

It's not about how high you can leap
nor about how much you shall reap

It's not about how expensive or cheap
It's all inside .. it's all in deep

Some were born to be wives
others were born to be Queens :)

It's not a matter of styles of lives 
It's not a matter of oldies or teens

One day, 
you'll have to get your share
because one day, 
you'll get to pass your own test

Life has been always fair
in believing yourself, never get missed ;)

#Mulan Fans will Relate ;)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

أطَلتَ صمتا

أطَلتَ صمتا, وعمَلتَ جَدا
وَصلتَ وُدا, ونصَحتَ يُسرا
حذَوتَ حُسنا, وأطَبتَ خلُقا
فكنتَ عَونا, للغير دَوما

أذيتَ جَمَّا, فصبَرتَ دَهرا
وعفَوتَ صِدقا, فعُجِبتَ أمرا
فضرَبتَ مَثلا, وأُعليتَ قَدرا

حلِمتَ طَولا, و قبَلتَ سَعيا 
دعَوتَ سِرا وسَألتَ قُربا
أحَسنتَ صُنعا, فُرفِعتَ أجرا 
وخلَفتَ وَسمَا, طَيِّبا أثَرا

أقَمتَ عَدلا, ونُلتَ أمَلا
وغَديتَ حُرا, وهَنِئتَ أبَدا

أَطَبتَ حَمدا , وأحْيَيتَ فُئدا
فأعزَزتَ فَتحا, للدِّين بُدا

بُورِكتَ أمَدا وأُدِمتَ ذُخرا